Student giving presentation with spotlight

Undergraduate Research Symposium

KU's Undergraduate Research Symposium is held each spring to provide a venue for students to share the results of their research and creative projects with the campus community.

27th Annual 

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Online Event Launches at 8:00AM, Mon., April 15, 2024  

Online Event Ends at 5:00PM, Fri., April 19, 2024

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This event coincides with Undergraduate Research Week

Undergraduate Research Week hashtag:  #URW2024

In-Person Featured Presentations

Tuesday, April 16th, 3:30-5:00pm, 
Alderson Auditorium, Kansas Union

Accessible, Creative, & Engaging Talks - ACE Talks

Three ACE Talk Winners will each deliver a 15-minute presentation about their research with a 10-minute Q&A session.

3:30 – 4:00pm    Alyson Honeyman, “Subcloning and Mutagenesis of Shigella Virulence Proteins Involved in Antimicrobial Resistance,” mentored by Roberto De Guzman

4:00 – 4:30pm    Logan Edmonson, “Effects of End Times Messaging on Temporal Horizons,” mentored by Mark Landau

4:30 - 5:00pm     Diana Nguyen, “Identity-Relevant Perceptions of Immigration among Asian Americans,” mentored by Glenn Adams and Syed Muhammad Omar

ACE Talk winners will have a video version of their presentation posted on the welcome page of the event site.

Wednesday, April 17th, 3:30-4:30,
English Room, Kansas Union

An undergraduate researcher and their mentor are featured presenters.

This also serves as the 4th ACE Talk awardee presentation. 

Kaitlyn Sy, a senior majoring in biotechnology, and her research mentor Dr. Jack Treml will be presenting their research "Assessment of the effects of lactic acid on T cell viability and T cell receptor signaling in vitro.”

NOTE: ACE TALK applicants MUST register AND submit their application materials by 11:59pm on Sunday, March 31, 2024

  • The ACE Talk application is an option within the Symposium presenter registration form.
    • The 3 ACE Talk awardees will be notified by 5pm on Friday, April 5th.
    • ACE Talk rehearsal will be held on Tuesday, April 9th from 3-6pm in the Centennial Room, Kansas Union. Awardees will schedule a 30-minute time slot during that time to rehearse their talk.
    • The ACE Talk presentation event will take place on Tuesday, April 16th from 3:30-5:00pm in the Alderson Auditorium, Kansas Union.

When presenters register, they may opt to have their presentation evaluated by a judge. The award amounts are listed below.

Outstanding Presentation Award Amounts: 

  • One Presenter: $50 award 
  • Up to 5 Group Presenters: Split $50 award 
  • 6+ Group Presenters: $10 awarded per group member 

Present your creative work in a pre-recorded 10-minute artist's talk or performance. 

You will create a 10-minute presentation and voiceover your presentation explaining your work. Presenters will generate a link of your video voiceover of your presentation and then upload the link of your video to the Symposium by ForagerOne event site via the submission form.

The submission form link is automatically sent to the presenter's email address once registration is submitted.

Here is the Artist's Talk/Performance Presentation Guide.

Here is the Artist's Talk/Performance rubric for reference.

Presentation Prep Drop-In Consultation Sessions: (2025 sessions to be determined)

Prepare a poster (see KU poster templates here) describing your creative work and create a 2-3 minute poster talk and voiceover your video voiceover of your presentation and then upload the link of your video to the Symposium by ForagerOne event site via the submission form.

The submission form link is automatically sent to the presenter's email address once registration is submitted.

Here is the Display of Creative Work Presentation Guide.

Here is the Display of Creative Work rubric for reference.

Presentation Prep Drop-In Consultation Sessions: (2025 sessions to be determined)

Present your research in a 10-minute slideshow and voiceover of your presentation.

Presenters will generate a link of your video voiceover of your presentation and then upload the link of your video to the Symposium by ForagerOne event site via the submission form.

The submission form link is automatically sent to the presenter's email address once registration is submitted.

Here is the Oral Presentation Guide.

Here is the Oral Presentation rubric for reference. 

Presentation Prep Drop-In Consultation Sessions: (2025 sessions to be determined)

Prepare a poster (see KU poster templates here) describing your research.

You will create a 2-3 minute poster talk and voiceover for the online event of your presentation explaining your poster. For online presentations, you will generate a link of your video voiceover of your presentation and then upload the link of your video to the Symposium by ForagerOne event site via the submission form.

The submission form link is automatically sent to the presenter's email address once registration is submitted.

Here is the Poster Presentation Guide.

Here is the Poster Presentation rubric for reference.

Presentation Prep Drop-In Consultation Sessions: (2025 sessions to be determined)